Symple Hex is based on Hex in that it has the same object. Benedikt Rosenau was the first to replace the normal move protocol and the pie rule by the Symple move protocol and its embedded balancing rule. Its square cousin is Scware.

Play SympleHex interactively

A 'group' is a number of connected like-colored stones. A single stone is a group by definition. In the rules placing a single stone on a cell without like-colored neighbors will be called "starting a group", while placing a stone next to a like-colored one is called "growing a group". The game starts on an empty board. White moves first, after which turns alternate. A player on his turn may either:
  • Start a new group, or ...
  • grow any or all of his groups by one stone.
  • A stone connecting two or more different groups is considered to have grown all of them. Two groups may be connected by growing both of them, as long as both placements only touch one another, but neither placement touches both original groups

  • Turn order balance
    If, and only if, neither player has grown yet, then Red may grow any or all of his groups followed by a single stone placement, in the same turn.

The object is the same as in Hex: to form a connected path of your stones between the opposing sides of the board marked by your colors.

Symple Hex © Benedikt Rosenau