Ta Chuan - The Great Appendix - Section 2

Chapter I - On signs and lines, on creating and working
I - 1
The eight trigrams having been completed in their proper order, there were the images contained in them. They were then multiplied by addition and thus the six component lines appeared.

I - 2
The strong line and the weak each push themselves into the place of the other, and hence the changes of the hexagrams take place. The appended explanations attach to every one of them its character of good or ill, and hence the movements (transitions suggested by divination) are determined accordingly.

I - 3
Good fortune and ill, occasion for repentance or regret, all arise from these movements.

I - 4
The strong and weak lines have their fixed and proper places in the hexagrams. Their changes however, however varied, are according to the requirements of the time.

I - 5
Good fortune and ill are continually prevailing each against the other by an exact rule. By the same rule heaven and earth, in their course, continually give forth their lessons; the sun and moon continually emit their light: all movements under the sky are constantly subject to this one and the same rule.

I - 6
Ch'ien, conveying the idea of strength, shows to men its easy and natural action. K'un, conveying the idea of docility, shows to men its compendious receptivity and operation.

I - 7
The lines are imitative representations of this. The images are pictorial representations of the same.

I - 8
The movements of the lines and images take place and are unseen; the good fortune and bad is seen openly. The work to be done appears by the changes; the symphaties of the sages are seen in their explanations.

I - 9
The greatest attribute of heaven and earth is the giving and maintaining of life. What is most precious for the sage is his proper place to represent heaven and earth. What will guard this position for him? Men. How shall he collect a large population around him? By the power of his wealth. The right administration of that wealth, correct instructions to the people, and prohibitions against wrong-doing: these constitute his righteousness.