Here's the Dragonfly board with the pieces in the initial position. It will be sufficient to point out the differences with orthodox Chess.

Initial position
  • The pieces are the same as in Chess, but for the option to re-enter them.

    If a piece is captured, it becomes the captor's property and he may re-enter it, at the cost of a turn, on any vacant square. Therefore, in actual play, one needs a double Chess set. If a piece is captured, the captor puts a corresponding piece of his own color beside the board. Here the applet takes care of that. As in all systems that feature the re-entering of pieces, this is called a piece in hand.

  • Pawns are the same as in orthodox Chess, but do not have the initial double step. They promote on moving to the seventh rank to a piece the opponent has in hand. This makes promotion exceptionally strong and, if all pieces are on the board, well worth even the worst exchange, say a rook for a knight, to force an opponent into a piece in hand. If the opponent has no piece in hand, a pawn may not move to the seventh rank. Pawns, if captured, are out of the game.
  • The king is the same as in orthodox Chess. He has a castling option with both rooks under the usual conditions (King to f1, rook to e1 or king to b1, rook to c1). It's not allowed to castle with a rook that has previously been re-entered.
  • Stalemate is a draw.